Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just Keep Running...

That's what I had to tell myself this weekend. I was out house-sitting, and cat-sitting and I had to do my long run on Saturday. I wasn't feeling good on Thursday so I didn't do anything on Thursday or Friday.
So, Friday afternoon I sit down at the computer with g-maps and start planning out an 8 mile route......I managed to plan out a route that was exactly 8 miles back to the front door, so I had to stick to it very closely, and there were lots of twists and turns because I was trying to avoid busy roads, the one thing I didn't take into account...... ELEVATION! Wow, was this route hilly! I just kept thinking "if I make it up it will be down hill on the way back!"
But I survived, a little woosy when I got back, and took a 2 hour nap afterwards, but I survived. I just have to do that, plus 5 MORE miles, in about a month. I'm hopeing adeneline plays a big role here!
But I pretty much fell in love with running outside this weekend, it's so much better than the treadmill!

On the knitting front.
I finished my lace scarf, yes, I really did! It's blocking right now so I'll post pic when it's done. But I pretty much think blocking sucks, I'm not sure I did it right...

and I'm almost done with my socks, I turned the heel so it's smooth sailing from here, I just need to hold out starting something new so that I'll actually finish it.

Speaking of starting something new.....
so my cousin's wife found out she's having a girl and I decided I'm not ready to make a baby sweater so I went out and got some new, girly yarn and I'm thinking about making the spiral baby blanket. But I like this yarn and pattern more than the one I started for Juli, so if Juli has a girl too (I'm thinking she is!) I'll give her this banket and give the other one to my cousin's baby. But I'm still thinking about making a sweater anyway and giving it to whoever, depending on how good it comes out!
and I can't wait to start the Talia vest! I really wanna make it but I'm nervous about making a garment... I don't know what size to make, and how all the shaping is gonna work...... this is scarey stuff!

and on a personal note:
I'm running for the Treasurer position of the Long Island Dietetic Association, I might be a shoe-in cause I'm pretty sure I'm running un-opposed but I'm getting kinda excited about it. I'm looking foward to being invloved in that kind of organization, networking, opening doors for other things...... I feel like a real grown-up now.

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