It was kinda cold and rainy, but we didn't get wet because we were high enough up to be under the overhang. I've kinda been seeing a guy for a couple weeks and he came with me. Val didn't wanna come because it was her anniversary (10 years, big deal!), and my friend Liz was supposed to come, but she had Back to School night for her kids and actually fell that morning while running, and was in pretty bad shape. So Jay came with me, he really didn't mind the knitting.
see, no one around me is knitting....
I brought my Circular Shrug with me to work on.
I was a little disappointed with the whole thing, not to say I wouldn't do it again. We didn't get there early because I really was unsure of what would be going on and it was not really clear if goodie bags were gonna be given out so I didn't feel the need to go early, but then I thought that once we sat down we would be surrounded by people knitting.... not the case. There were a few people around me knitting but I thought I would be able to meet people and talk about knitting and stuff, but our seats were kinda far away from the large group of people I saw knitting. Maybe it's because I bought the tickets on my own, if they were purchased a group I might have been closer to other knitters.... but it was still fun to be able to pull out my knitting at a baseball game!